Professional, fast, and reliable. Contact us with any questions you may have about construction and industrial equipment. We are open M-F: 8am-8pm, but you can reach us by email at any time and we will get back to you promptly.
Data-Mate replaces outdated chart recorders and is pre-configured at the factory for simple plug and play operation.
Call our Distributor, Chaltron Systems, Inc. (440) 639-6400


Digital Recorder
Data-Mate Solution
- Compact, NEMA-4X enclosure
- Polycarbonate clear window
- Front USB port
- Superb full-color display
- 4 Universal inputs (8 optional)
- 30 additional virtual channels (math, totalizers or counters)
- Ethernet connectivity
- Custom alarms
- Optional Outputs
- Data review software
- Custom report printing
- Better recording strategy
- Preconfigured at the factory

Why Data-Mate?
Modern Day Data Recording
- Use almost anywhere
- Choose a high or low resolution
- Easily view data on the display
- Export and backup data
- Print graphs on printer or PDF
- No consumables like charts/pens
- No mechanical parts
- Configured at factory
- Meet accreditation requirements
- Better reliability and longevity
- Lower total instrument costs